Mar. 22: BR; Ch 6 (finish);
Ch 7 and
Ch 8HW:
Subordinating Conjunction Practice (User Name = lpolito; Password = (school's initials)
Mar. 23 (Sub): BR; Ch 9 & 10
Watch Ch 9 and
Ch 10 (Stop at 0:25 because ending of video is different from book. Or, if you watch the full ending, why do you think the film makers added the last 2:30? How does it change the message of the book?)
Mar. 24: Journal; Discuss AF; MEL-CON explanation
HW: Evidence portion of outline

Mar. 25: Essay Outlining (Per. 2 & 3--Eddie Speaks)
HW: LINK assignment; create own LINK
Mar. 26:
PER. 2 & 3: Blog about Animal Farm one last time OR complete Language Arts
Compass Learning activities (username = full student ID number; password = first and last initial). You may need headphones. Whichever you choose to do WILL be graded!!! If you have extra time, do a
Subordinating Conjunction Practice (User Name = lpolito; Password = (school's initials)
Per. 5 & 6: Draft MEL-CON outline into paragraph. Save as your name in "Student Groups"--Team 3 folder.