Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oct. 13-16

Oct. 13: BR; Review; Parts of Speech Test

HW: "Archeology Dig" for place of student's choice--Due Wednesday (Per. 5 & 6); Thursday (Per. 2 & 3)

Oct. 14:
  • Per. 2--BR; Discuss Archeology Dig; Go over POS Test; Blogging expectations
    HW: Archeology Dig; Think of question for blogging

  • Per. 3--BR; Go over POS Test; Vocab Prove It; Blogging expectations
    HW: Archeology Dig; Think of question for blogging

  • Per. 5--BR; Blogging Expectations; Begin Outlining
    HW: Think of question for blogging

  • Per. 6--BR; Go over POS Test; Blogging Expectations
    HW: Think of question for blogging
Oct. 15:
  • Per. 2--Outlining; Vocab Prove It
  • Per. 3--Blogging
  • Per. 5--Outlining; Vocab Prove It
  • Per. 6--Blogging
HW: Per 2 & 5--Finish Outline

Oct. 16:
  • Per. 2--Blogging
  • Per. 3--BR; Outlining
  • Per. 5--Blogging
  • Per. 6--BR; Outlining
HW: Per. 3 & 6--Finish Outline

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