Saturday, January 30, 2010

Feb. 1-5

Feb. 1: BR; Finish Interim Analysis; Commas w/ FANBOYS practice
HW: Plan cause/effect speech

Feb. 2: BR; Commas with FANBOYS rally coach; Skill Set Quiz 2
HW: Plan cause/effect speech

Feb. 3: No School

Feb. 4: BR; Persuasion Practice; Sentence Combination 1; Transition Packet

Feb. 5: LAB

1. Revise and post Cause/Effect Essay onto blog
2. Comment on one other student's blogs from a different class using bookmarks
3. Comma FANBOY practice--print scores
4. Cause/Effect practice--print scores

Choose One:

5. Top 10 Most Invasive Species--Choose one to read about. Then, blog about the causes and effects as depicted in the reading, linking us to the species you read about and making connections to co-existence.

6. Create a comic depicting the life of FANBOY. What does he do? What super powers does he have? What are his limitations or weaknesses?

7. Create a Quia game that helps teach COMMA/FANBOYS or SEMI-COLONS with CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS (cause/effect sentence writing).
  • Sign in as "katherineschutte" with password "mhsteam3"
  • Choose "activities" on left menu
  • Choose "challenge board" (Jeopardy) or "rags to riches" (Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?") or "battleship"
  • Create questions that have clear answers
  • Tell me which activity is yours so you get the credit!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jan. 25-29

Jan. 25: RESUME DUE! BR; Revise Causal Analysis essays (global revisions)
HW: Finish revising for Wednesday

Jan. 26: BR; Revise Causal Analysis essays (specific revisions)
HW: Finish revising for Wednesday; C/E Sentences #5 (if necessary)

Jan. 27: CAUSAL ANALYSIS DUE! Revise essays for science; repost to Moodle
HW: Revise & repost to Moodle

Jan. 28: BR; Sentence Combining packet (sub)

Jan. 29: R&J Persuasive BR; Interim Test Analysis

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jan. 19-22

Jan. 19: Research/Write Resume
HW: Cause/Effect Sentences 4 (if applicable)

Jan. 20: Cover Letter Intro; Draft due Thursday
HW: Draft cover letter

Jan. 21: Revise cover letter & resume; works cited entries
HW: Resume/Cover letter due Monday

Jan. 22: Works Cited Page; Finish resume; Revise Causal Analysis essay
HW: Resume/Cover letter due Monday!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jan. 11-15

Jan. 11: Vocab intro; essay revision (for sentence structure, transitions, and silly mistakes); share with peer for revision/comments
HW: Peer-Revision due Tuesday

Jan. 12: BR; Finish causal analysis (if not done); Cause/Effect Practice 3 (if required); Sentence Combination Exercises; Identifying transition phrases in WS Ch 17 & 19.

Jan. 13: Per. 2 & 5: Vocab Prove It/SSR; conferences
Per. 3 & 6: Resume Project Intro (What & Why/Samples); Citations--what and why

Jan. 14: Per. 3 & 6: Vocab Prove It/SSR; conferences
Per. 2 & 5: Resume Project Intro (What & Why/Samples); Citations--what and why

Jan. 15: Monarch Resume Research

Jan. 4-8

Jan. 4: Journal with analysis; Review Semester 1 (Find Someone Who); Cause-Effect Charts
HW: Topic Choice 1 writing

Jan. 5: BR; Cause/Effect Chart w/ thesis--R&J's deaths (Per. 2 & 3); Romeo & Juliet Film (Per. 5 & 6)
HW: Topic Choice 2 writing

Jan. 6: Cause/Effect Brainstorm w/ thesis (Per. 5 & 6)
HW: Make final topic choice & construct outline

Jan. 7/8 (blocking): Explode outline; Research/Draft due at end of period on G-docs

Enrichment: Create a comic version of your causal analysis. Think of two or more characters talking to each other about the issue, with one character arguing successfully for your position. You may use any of the following resources:
You may print or share your comic through your blog. DUE 1/30.