Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb. 22-26

Feb. 22: BR; Blog #7--What is Power? How does someone/something earn or keep power? How can power be lost? What holds the most power in your life? What makes you powerful?
Compass Odyssey or Quia Practice/Creation

Feb. 23: BR (Persuasive Prompt); AF Vocab Intro

Feb. 24: Journal; AF Vocab

Feb. 25: BR; Finish AF Vocab;

Feb. 26: BR; Intro to AF (Russian Rev. Background; Begin Rise & Fall)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb. 15-19

Feb. 15: No School
Feb. 16: (Sub) Sentence Combination #4; p. 130-131 grammar/Goldilocks rewrite
Feb. 17: BR; Making Inferences; Comma/Fanboys review
Feb. 18: BR; Making Inferences Review
Feb. 19: BR; Comma/Fanboys practice; Skill Set 3 Quiz 3

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb. 8-12

Feb. 8: Why do we write? (discussion); creating complex sentences

HW: Online Quia practice for those who need to do it (Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS) or Cause-Effect Sentences 7). Print and turn in scores! (study Vocab Prove It words)

Feb. 9: BR; Prep for history essay (cause/effect); grammar workshop
HW: Write history essay; study Vocab Prove It words

Feb. 10: Vocab Prove It; grammar workshop; small-group instruction on cause/effect sentences
HW: Plan Cause/Effect Speech

Feb. 11: Speeches on Cause/Effect Essay

Feb. 12: Scheduling for Next Year