May 24: Per. 1, 2, 3 FINALS
May 25: Per. 4, 5, Early Bird FINALS
May 26: NO SCHOOL for students
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
May 17-21
May 17: Teacher Survey (Schutte); Finish Animal Farm Essay
May 18: Reward/Make-up Day
May 19: Teacher Survey (Jones for Per. 5 & 6); Review for Final (MEL-Con & Grammar)
May 20: Take THREE surveys! Tech Survey, Augie Survey, & SLC Survey; Review for Final;
May 21: Review for Final Per. 1-4; (NO Per. 5; PER 6 TAKES FINAL!)
May 18: Reward/Make-up Day
May 19: Teacher Survey (Jones for Per. 5 & 6); Review for Final (MEL-Con & Grammar)
May 20: Take THREE surveys! Tech Survey, Augie Survey, & SLC Survey; Review for Final;
May 21: Review for Final Per. 1-4; (NO Per. 5; PER 6 TAKES FINAL!)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
May 10-14
May 10: Finish Sophomore Sales Brochure
May 11: Review MEL-CON; Begin Child Warriors film
May 12: Review MEL-CON; Finish Child Warriors film
May 13: Read A Long Way Gone with guided reading
May 14: Revise essay; Enrichment on Child Soldiers
May 11: Review MEL-CON; Begin Child Warriors film
May 12: Review MEL-CON; Finish Child Warriors film
May 13: Read A Long Way Gone with guided reading
May 14: Revise essay; Enrichment on Child Soldiers
Monday, April 19, 2010
May 3-7
May 3: BR; Run-ons; Fragments1; Explore Practice
May 4: BR; Run-ons; Fragments2
May 6: Sophomore Sales Brochure
May 7: Sophomore Sales Brochure
May 4: BR; Run-ons; Fragments2
May 6: Sophomore Sales Brochure
May 7: Sophomore Sales Brochure
Apr. 26-30
Apr. 26: BR; Skill Set Review; Explore Practice
Apr. 27: BR; Pronoun Case; Run-ons; Sub. Conj. Quiz 3
Apr. 28: NO SCHOOL
Apr. 29: Laptops--Revision
Apr. 30: Laptops--Final Draft Due
Apr. 27: BR; Pronoun Case; Run-ons; Sub. Conj. Quiz 3
Apr. 28: NO SCHOOL
Apr. 29: Laptops--Revision
Apr. 30: Laptops--Final Draft Due
Friday, April 16, 2010
April 19-23
Apr. 19: Drafting (Add links)
Apr. 20: MAP testing
Apr. 21: Drafting (Revise for word variety/sentence variety/grammar)
Apr. 22: Drafting (Add intro & conclusion)
Apr. 23: Rough Draft Due
Apr. 20: MAP testing
Apr. 21: Drafting (Revise for word variety/sentence variety/grammar)
Apr. 22: Drafting (Add intro & conclusion)
Apr. 23: Rough Draft Due
Saturday, April 3, 2010
April 12-16
April 12: Intro Research Paper--Modeling process (blocking)
HW: Fragments/Run-Ons
April 13-15: Library for research (Notes/Outline/Source Cards/Thesis)
April 16: Lab for drafting (body paragraphs)
HW: Fragments/Run-Ons
April 13-15: Library for research (Notes/Outline/Source Cards/Thesis)
April 16: Lab for drafting (body paragraphs)
April 5-9
April 5-9: Spring Break!
Remember to:
Add to Animal Farm essay on G-docs
Add to research paper proposal on G-docs
Do some Compass Learning practice--MAP testing is April 21!
Remember to:
Add to Animal Farm essay on G-docs
Add to research paper proposal on G-docs
Do some Compass Learning practice--MAP testing is April 21!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mar. 29-April 2
Mar. 29: Link Review/Practice; Laptops (drafting)

Mar. 30: Laptops (drafting w/ Writing Analyzer)
HW: Draft due Wednesday w/ Writing Analyzer

Mar. 31: Laptops--Research tips/Google Advanced Searching/Topic Exploration
HW: Post web list to Google Docs
April 1: B220--Online Catalog/InterLibrary Loan/Topic Exploration/Proposals due at end of period
April 2: NO SCHOOL

Mar. 30: Laptops (drafting w/ Writing Analyzer)
HW: Draft due Wednesday w/ Writing Analyzer

Mar. 31: Laptops--Research tips/Google Advanced Searching/Topic Exploration
HW: Post web list to Google Docs
April 1: B220--Online Catalog/InterLibrary Loan/Topic Exploration/Proposals due at end of period
April 2: NO SCHOOL
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mar. 22-26
Mar. 22: BR; Ch 6 (finish); Ch 7 and Ch 8
HW: Subordinating Conjunction Practice (User Name = lpolito; Password = (school's initials)
Mar. 23 (Sub): BR; Ch 9 & 10
HW: Watch Ch 9 and Ch 10 (Stop at 0:25 because ending of video is different from book. Or, if you watch the full ending, why do you think the film makers added the last 2:30? How does it change the message of the book?)
Mar. 24: Journal; Discuss AF; MEL-CON explanation
HW: Evidence portion of outline

Mar. 25: Essay Outlining (Per. 2 & 3--Eddie Speaks)
HW: LINK assignment; create own LINK
Mar. 26: PER. 2 & 3: Blog about Animal Farm one last time OR complete Language Arts Compass Learning activities (username = full student ID number; password = first and last initial). You may need headphones. Whichever you choose to do WILL be graded!!! If you have extra time, do a Subordinating Conjunction Practice (User Name = lpolito; Password = (school's initials)
HW: Subordinating Conjunction Practice (User Name = lpolito; Password = (school's initials)
Mar. 23 (Sub): BR; Ch 9 & 10
HW: Watch Ch 9 and Ch 10 (Stop at 0:25 because ending of video is different from book. Or, if you watch the full ending, why do you think the film makers added the last 2:30? How does it change the message of the book?)
Mar. 24: Journal; Discuss AF; MEL-CON explanation
HW: Evidence portion of outline

Mar. 25: Essay Outlining (Per. 2 & 3--Eddie Speaks)
HW: LINK assignment; create own LINK
Mar. 26: PER. 2 & 3: Blog about Animal Farm one last time OR complete Language Arts Compass Learning activities (username = full student ID number; password = first and last initial). You may need headphones. Whichever you choose to do WILL be graded!!! If you have extra time, do a Subordinating Conjunction Practice (User Name = lpolito; Password = (school's initials)
Per. 5 & 6: Draft MEL-CON outline into paragraph. Save as your name in "Student Groups"--Team 3 folder.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Mar. 15-19
Mar. 15: BR; Ch 5; Skill 4 Quiz 2
Mar. 16: BR; Thesis Statement Review; Ch 5 AF
Mar. 17: Persuasive prompt; MEL-CON Outline
HW: Finish Outline/Ch 1-5 Review
Mar. 18: Ch 1-5 Quiz; 6 AF
Mar. 19: No School--Conferences
Mar. 16: BR; Thesis Statement Review; Ch 5 AF
Mar. 17: Persuasive prompt; MEL-CON Outline
HW: Finish Outline/Ch 1-5 Review
Mar. 18: Ch 1-5 Quiz; 6 AF
Mar. 19: No School--Conferences
Friday, March 5, 2010
Mar. 8-12
Mar. 8: BR; Ch 2
Mar. 9: BR; Vocab Quiz (AF Terms); Subordinating Conjunction Practice
Mar. 10: (sub) BR; Ch 3
Mar. 11: (sub) BR; Inferencing
Mar. 12: BR (Persuasive Prompt); Ch 4; Comedy of Errors--$10 (Per. 6)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mar. 1-5
Mar. 1: BR; Rise & Fall of Soviet Union reading; Ch 1
Mar. 2: BR (Persuasive prompt); Finish Ch 1
Mar. 3: Vocab Prove It; Extra Help Session; Skill Set 3 Test 4
Mar. 4: BR; Skill Set 4 Pretest; Ch 2 (Per. 2 & 5); Blogging (Per. 3 & 6) & Compass
Mar. 5: BR; Skill Set 4 Pretest; Ch 2 (Per. 3 & 6); Blogging (Per. 2 & 5) & Compass
Mar. 2: BR (Persuasive prompt); Finish Ch 1
Mar. 3: Vocab Prove It; Extra Help Session; Skill Set 3 Test 4
Mar. 4: BR; Skill Set 4 Pretest; Ch 2 (Per. 2 & 5); Blogging (Per. 3 & 6) & Compass
Mar. 5: BR; Skill Set 4 Pretest; Ch 2 (Per. 3 & 6); Blogging (Per. 2 & 5) & Compass
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Feb. 22-26
Feb. 22: BR; Blog #7--What is Power? How does someone/something earn or keep power? How can power be lost? What holds the most power in your life? What makes you powerful?
Compass Odyssey or Quia Practice/Creation
Compass Odyssey or Quia Practice/Creation
Feb. 23: BR (Persuasive Prompt); AF Vocab Intro
Feb. 24: Journal; AF Vocab
Feb. 25: BR; Finish AF Vocab;
Feb. 26: BR; Intro to AF (Russian Rev. Background; Begin Rise & Fall)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Feb. 15-19
Feb. 15: No School
Feb. 16: (Sub) Sentence Combination #4; p. 130-131 grammar/Goldilocks rewrite
Feb. 17: BR; Making Inferences; Comma/Fanboys review
Feb. 18: BR; Making Inferences Review
Feb. 19: BR; Comma/Fanboys practice; Skill Set 3 Quiz 3
Monday, February 8, 2010
Feb. 8-12
Feb. 8: Why do we write? (discussion); creating complex sentences
HW: Online Quia practice for those who need to do it (Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS) or Cause-Effect Sentences 7). Print and turn in scores! (study Vocab Prove It words)
Feb. 9: BR; Prep for history essay (cause/effect); grammar workshop
HW: Write history essay; study Vocab Prove It words
Feb. 10: Vocab Prove It; grammar workshop; small-group instruction on cause/effect sentences
HW: Plan Cause/Effect Speech
Feb. 11: Speeches on Cause/Effect Essay
Feb. 12: Scheduling for Next Year
HW: Online Quia practice for those who need to do it (Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS) or Cause-Effect Sentences 7). Print and turn in scores! (study Vocab Prove It words)
Feb. 9: BR; Prep for history essay (cause/effect); grammar workshop
HW: Write history essay; study Vocab Prove It words
Feb. 10: Vocab Prove It; grammar workshop; small-group instruction on cause/effect sentences
HW: Plan Cause/Effect Speech
Feb. 11: Speeches on Cause/Effect Essay
Feb. 12: Scheduling for Next Year
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Feb. 1-5
Feb. 1: BR; Finish Interim Analysis; Commas w/ FANBOYS practice
HW: Plan cause/effect speech
Feb. 2: BR; Commas with FANBOYS rally coach; Skill Set Quiz 2
HW: Plan cause/effect speech
Feb. 3: No School
Feb. 4: BR; Persuasion Practice; Sentence Combination 1; Transition Packet
Feb. 5: LAB
1. Revise and post Cause/Effect Essay onto blog
2. Comment on one other student's blogs from a different class using bookmarks
3. Comma FANBOY practice--print scores
4. Cause/Effect practice--print scores
Choose One:
5. Top 10 Most Invasive Species--Choose one to read about. Then, blog about the causes and effects as depicted in the reading, linking us to the species you read about and making connections to co-existence.
6. Create a comic depicting the life of FANBOY. What does he do? What super powers does he have? What are his limitations or weaknesses?
1. Revise and post Cause/Effect Essay onto blog
2. Comment on one other student's blogs from a different class using bookmarks
3. Comma FANBOY practice--print scores
4. Cause/Effect practice--print scores
Choose One:
5. Top 10 Most Invasive Species--Choose one to read about. Then, blog about the causes and effects as depicted in the reading, linking us to the species you read about and making connections to co-existence.
6. Create a comic depicting the life of FANBOY. What does he do? What super powers does he have? What are his limitations or weaknesses?
7. Create a Quia game that helps teach COMMA/FANBOYS or SEMI-COLONS with CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS (cause/effect sentence writing).
- Sign in as "katherineschutte" with password "mhsteam3"
- Choose "activities" on left menu
- Choose "challenge board" (Jeopardy) or "rags to riches" (Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?") or "battleship"
- Create questions that have clear answers
- Tell me which activity is yours so you get the credit!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Jan. 25-29
Jan. 25: RESUME DUE! BR; Revise Causal Analysis essays (global revisions)
HW: Finish revising for Wednesday
Jan. 26: BR; Revise Causal Analysis essays (specific revisions)
HW: Finish revising for Wednesday; C/E Sentences #5 (if necessary)
Jan. 27: CAUSAL ANALYSIS DUE! Revise essays for science; repost to Moodle
HW: Revise & repost to Moodle
Jan. 28: BR; Sentence Combining packet (sub)
Jan. 29: R&J Persuasive BR; Interim Test Analysis
Friday, January 15, 2010
Jan. 19-22
Jan. 19: Research/Write Resume
HW: Cause/Effect Sentences 4 (if applicable)
Jan. 20: Cover Letter Intro; Draft due Thursday
HW: Draft cover letter
Jan. 21: Revise cover letter & resume; works cited entries
HW: Resume/Cover letter due Monday
Jan. 22: Works Cited Page; Finish resume; Revise Causal Analysis essay
HW: Resume/Cover letter due Monday!
HW: Cause/Effect Sentences 4 (if applicable)
Jan. 20: Cover Letter Intro; Draft due Thursday
HW: Draft cover letter
Jan. 21: Revise cover letter & resume; works cited entries
HW: Resume/Cover letter due Monday
Jan. 22: Works Cited Page; Finish resume; Revise Causal Analysis essay
HW: Resume/Cover letter due Monday!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Jan. 11-15
Jan. 11: Vocab intro; essay revision (for sentence structure, transitions, and silly mistakes); share with peer for revision/comments
HW: Peer-Revision due Tuesday
HW: Peer-Revision due Tuesday
Jan. 12: BR; Finish causal analysis (if not done); Cause/Effect Practice 3 (if required); Sentence Combination Exercises; Identifying transition phrases in WS Ch 17 & 19.
Jan. 13: Per. 2 & 5: Vocab Prove It/SSR; conferences
Per. 3 & 6: Resume Project Intro (What & Why/Samples); Citations--what and why
Per. 3 & 6: Resume Project Intro (What & Why/Samples); Citations--what and why
Jan. 14: Per. 3 & 6: Vocab Prove It/SSR; conferences
Per. 2 & 5: Resume Project Intro (What & Why/Samples); Citations--what and why
Per. 2 & 5: Resume Project Intro (What & Why/Samples); Citations--what and why
Jan. 15: Monarch Resume Research
Jan. 4-8
Jan. 4: Journal with analysis; Review Semester 1 (Find Someone Who); Cause-Effect Charts
HW: Topic Choice 1 writing
Jan. 5: BR; Cause/Effect Chart w/ thesis--R&J's deaths (Per. 2 & 3); Romeo & Juliet Film (Per. 5 & 6)
HW: Topic Choice 2 writing
Jan. 6: Cause/Effect Brainstorm w/ thesis (Per. 5 & 6)
HW: Make final topic choice & construct outline
Jan. 7/8 (blocking): Explode outline; Research/Draft due at end of period on G-docs
Enrichment: Create a comic version of your causal analysis. Think of two or more characters talking to each other about the issue, with one character arguing successfully for your position. You may use any of the following resources:
You may print or share your comic through your blog. DUE 1/30.
Enrichment: Create a comic version of your causal analysis. Think of two or more characters talking to each other about the issue, with one character arguing successfully for your position. You may use any of the following resources:
You may print or share your comic through your blog. DUE 1/30.
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